Friday, June 03, 2005

End of the week

Friday, end of the work week for me. Today is the 3rd day of June 2005. Two days to recharge oneself in preparation for the coming week. So what happened this week and what is happening this weekend? Several prominent personalities of Philippine society died this week. Mostly reporters and writers the most recent one being Teodoro Benigno Jr. Everything has a beginning and an end. The jueteng scandal has proven to be a waste of time. And the President is thinking of changing the constitution. How will weekend develop? Well most likely I will be going out with my nephews to watch a movie or probably ramble around sunken garden at the University of the Philippines. If we are going to watch a movie we will probably watch "Madagascar" the latest light entertainment animation film from Hollywood. At least the cinemas will be cool but the malls will be full of people all enjoying the weekend. Maybe we can go to the controversial Arroceros park or to the La Mesa Dam eco-park. Then again we might end up watching films, reading books, playing board games the whole weekend. This reminds me I have to finish reading the books that have piled up in my room. Yes and probably visit the meeting of the local anabantoid fanciers group somewhere along Roxas boulevard. It depends on how the weekend will shape up. Hopefully no distractions. Actually my weekend will be longer than the usual. I am going on vacation leave on the 6th and 7th of June. The main reason being the 6th of June is my birthday and I I want to enjoy that day - just being away from the cares of the world.


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